Program: The Manager as CoachEvidence by Marcus Buckingham has demonstrated that the length of time a person stays in their job and how productive they are while they are there depends on their direct managers. This management development program will show your managers how to coach their people, so that they achieve their best. OverviewResearch shows that most employees are not fully engaged with their work. Traditional management styles are ineffective for engaging and empowering employees to do their best. A coaching style focuses on fostering the employee's skills and interests, creating an opportunity to build a more motivated and engaged workforce. Key ContentThe SMART model of emotional intelligence Improving employee engagement Understanding what motivates people Leadership styles and their impact on organisational climate and results The advantages of a coaching management style Building employees' responsibility and commitment BenefitsManagers will become better communicators who can motivate and develop employees. The key benefits include: The ability to help employees through change The know-how to build human capital and performance culture Creative business breakthroughs Greater employee retention More productive relationships, internally and externally Decreased stress, increased morale, engagement and productivity FormatsSeminar or training workshop 1 day to 2 days Individual coaching to maximise learning and behavioural change Case StudyThe Manager as Coach produced increased employee engagement and productivity [Here]